Easy-build collectible paper toys
Discover Box Buddies: simple and fun to build collectible paper toys sustainably designed and made in the UK.
Box Buddies Boxibos are simple and fun to build mini box paper toys. There are five sets: Animals, Galactics, Monsters, Pets and Robots.
Box Buddies Bitsabots are tiny paper droids to build, collect and display using the unique Bitsalinks included on each card.
Box Buddies Foldimals are animal paper toy cards. There are Cats and Dogs sets of eight cute animal characters to pop out and make.
Box Buddies Monyamo paper toy cards. Each pack is crammed with 12 monster paper toy characters to build, collect and play in the game.
All Box Buddies products are sustainably designed and printed in the UK.
They are plastic-free, 100% recyclable and printed with eco inks.
The Box Buddies Shop
UK Customers can buy directly from the Box Buddies Shop.

Box Figure 01 BX-1
Make your own poseable robot figure paper toy

Box Figure 02 Mel
Make your own poseable melon figure paper toy

Box Figure 03 RetroBoy
Make your own poseable retro gaming figure paper toy

Make your own tiny paper toy robots

Monster paper toy characters to build, collect and play in the game

Boxibos Animals
A simple and fun to build collection of 12 mini box animals

Boxibos Galactics
A simple and fun to build collection of 12 mini box space explorers

Boxibos Monsters
A simple and fun to build collection of 12 mini box monsters

Boxibos Pets
A simple and fun to build collection of 12 mini box animals

Boxibos Robots
A simple and fun to build collection of 12 mini box robots

Foldimals Cats
Make your own paper toy cats

Foldimals Dogs
Make your own paper toy dogs
Box Buddies Amazon Store
Box Buddies are also available through Amazon UK. Click the link below to visit our Box Buddies Amazon Store.